Online events or virtual events are taking over the industry as a new revenue-generating medium for multi-level and multi-national companies.
The reason behind this is quite simple; they are much cheaper than the traditional events and provide an opportunity for the company to get their name out there without spending a fortune on advertising.
The other major benefit of these events is that they help in brand development. Therefore, it is always a good idea for any company to invest in these types of events which will help them with brand development.
The next most important thing to do is to promote your event. This can be done through online conferences, emails, live AGM webcast , etc.
The most important thing is to focus on the major points such as registration, payment options, dates, and any other such issues that may be raised by the shareholders. Next, the company should hire a consultant who will do a survey and then create a game plan to carry out the entire event successfully.
Once everything is in place, the company should use social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., to announce the date and time of the event, thereby informing the general public.
Finally, the company needs to ensure that the attendees have all the tools necessary to participate in the meeting. For instance, if the meeting is to be held online, then it should provide attendees with a registration page, chat windows, an online forum, and perhaps even a registration number so that they can register for the event online.
If the event is being held in a physical venue, then it is a good idea to provide refreshments for the attendees as well as providing refreshments for the company as well. In other words, every aspect of the event must be well taken care of.